Having high-quality cosmetic product photography is key to driving sales to your beauty-based business. Mostly everything is all online now when it comes to shopping and the easiest way to get sales is to have clear and good quality photos of your products. This will enable trust in your customers and they will be more likely to purchase from you.
Floating Cosmetic Product Photography
There are 3 main parts to shooting floating products. The setup, the lighting, and the editing! The first two are super important and will make the editing easier if done properly!
The Set Up
The setup was fairly simple. I bought a foam flower block and a pack of wooden skewers from the dollar store. I shoved the skewer in on the angle I wanted the mascara to sit at and then adhered the mascara wand and tube with sticky tac. A better recommendation would be using a hot glue gun instead of sticky tac for this! Next, set up a plain white background so that it was easy to cut out in photoshop and replace it with a different background. You need to make sure your camera is on a sturdy tripod and either shoot tethered or use a remote as your image can not move if you need to take multiple exposures. I took one exposure for the mascara and a second one for the label.
The Lighting
For lighting, I used a simple one-light setup. I had my softbox on the left of the mascara and a white bounce card on the right to bounce light back into the scene.
The Editing
I opened up everything in Adobe Photoshop and began doing basic adjusting such as exposure and colour to my images. I then grabbed the trusty pen tool and made a selection around the product. Using a clipping mask with the selection I just made, I created a new layer behind and that would be the background. I selected the label from the second image and copied it into my main document and adjusted it to fit. For the background, I used the gradient tool and sampled the light pink of the mascara and made a soft pink gradient to go behind the product. It already looked great but I wanted to add a little extra to make sure it blended nicely. I grabbed the burn tool and just ever so lighting grazed over the product with a large soft brush to add some depth to the image.
You can view a behind-the-scenes video from this shoot by clicking here!
You can also view it on Youtube! https://youtu.be/ts0peM6vHfQ
If you try out floating product photography I would love to see it!
Looking to book a session? Go over to Contact Me and fill out my form!
Check out more of my product photography here!
Be sure to follow my Instagram to see all the behind-the-scenes videos!
Shop my merch and support me in being able to keep creating content! daniellesphotos.redbubble.com